Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 15 -- 8/23

Today I weighed in at ..... are you ready for this?????  139!  Yippie!!!! I'm out of the 140's! I haven't been out of the 140's since before I had my daughter 5 years ago!  Since before I even got pregnant with her!  I LOVE IT!  Totally happy about this!!!! 

Now I just want to get to 135 and I will be STOKED!

I am getting more brave.  Today I didn't write down anything I ate.  Mainly because I've been eating the exact same things for the last two weeks.  I have it all memorized.  I am still measuring and weighing my food... but just haven't written it down... which also means I haven't calculated the calories.  But if I'm still eating the same exact portions I was the last two weeks, I can pretty much guess that I'm staying under the 500 calorie mark. 

We'll see how the scale reacts to this!

I hope it's not a bad thing!

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