Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 19 -- 8/27

Hey everyone!  I tried sending an update from my phone, but it didn't come out right.  I came to the computer to see how it looked, and it was all funky in like 5 different posts. Oh well...

Real quick update, I've got a lot going on today, and shouldn't even be on the computer right now!

I weighed in this morning at 137!!!!  That's 14 pounds down.  Only 1 more to meet my original goal of 15.  Two more to get to where I'd really like to be.  I think I can work on that in the next couple weeks during the maintenance phase.

Today we are going to attempt to go camping out at Lake Mohave.  I say attempt due to the weather forecast for today and tomorrow.  We are going to go, and hopefully we can stay! 

Today, tomorrow, and Sunday are the last three days of my 21 day program.  I am going to be honest with you all... I plan on cheating tonight. I'm going to drink dammit. :)  I've gone to way to many birthday parties, parties, and events in the last 19 days where I haven't been able to have a few drinks and really enjoy myself... so I'm treating myself! I might drink tomorrow aswell, if we are still out there! lol

Well, that is all for now... I have to run! Lots of stuff to do before we take off.

If anyone has ANY questions... please don't hesitate to comemnt and ask.. or you can email me at

Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend.  I will weigh myself again Sunday morning, and update then. :)

1 comment:

PEPSEA1 said...

Look fwd to seeing how ur doing. Max and Sara are doing it soon. I just re-started 30 days mom is going to do the 60 days. so excited for everyone.