Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 13 -- 8/21

Hello again!  Today is my husbands birthday.  I haven't spent one birthday for myself or anyone in my family where I couldn't eat out, or have a drink if that was on the agenda!

This morning I weighed in at 140!  11 pounds down!  Only 4 more to go to meet my goal!  I look and feel great.  Well, I can say I feel like I look great! haha

Today we went to a little girls 2nd birthday bash.  Lots of great food, and lots of great alcohol all over the place!  Big birthday party.  I packed my days worth of food in my tiny little ice chest as I did for the River Regatta float.  I ate my chicken and asparagus for lunch on the way over to the party.  I also took my handy water bottle with.  I must say, I did great today!  I never gave in and had a drink, or ate the really really good looking hamburgers they barbecued!

So after the party, we came home, showered and got ready for the evening.  The kids were invited to a sleep over at their friends house.  So we dropped them off there and went to one of our favorite little bar/restaurants for the night.  They had a little party going on, some alcohol rep was promoting their stuff and then karaoke started shortly after.  I had a lot of fun playing darts, singing karaoke and NOT DRINKING!  I had iced tea with my own sweetener that I brought with me!  (stevia) We stayed out until about 11:30ish. 

All in all it was a great day and I didn't cheat!  I feel great about that!


PEPSEA1 said...

hey there, tell Robert Happy Birthday for me! glad u r doing so good. Love to read ur updates. miss u lots. xoxoxo

Kira Tyler said...

Thanks Pepsea. Miss you too!